Sunday School: 9:30AM
Church: 10:30AM
Who Are These Brethren?
In the New Testament, the word brethren describes the kinship of men and women who choose another way of living: the way of Jesus. The Church of the Brethren, begun almost 300 years ago in Germany, still draws people who want to continue Jesus' work of loving service.
For guidance , Brethren look to the scriptures rather than to doctrine. Our faith emphasizes compassion, peacemaking, and simplicity. We baptize those who seek to follow Jesus; we anoint for healing; and in our love feast we reenact the last supper, at which Jesus washed his disciples' feet and offered the bread and cup of communion.
brethren work locally and worldwide to help victims of war, poverty, and natural disasters. We believe that when Jesus showed us another way of living, he intended it to nourish and hearten the entire human family.
Worldwide Services
The Church of the Brethren has pioneered national and worldwide programs of volunteer service, disaster relief, agricultural exchanges, and refugee assistance.
During the last 100 years, the Church of the Brethren has begun mission partnerships in India, China, Nigeria, Ecuador, Sudan, and more recently, Brazil, Dominican Republic, and south Korea. Mission and Brethren Volunteer Service workers are assigned throughout the U.S. and a dozen countries abroad.
Worship Activities
Sunday School, all ages 9:30 am
Sunday morning worship 10:30 am
(nursery care available)
Special Events
Kres Lipscomb has served our church since 1986. A graduate of Bethany Theological Seminary, he has served churches in Ohio and Illinois. He is married and has three daughters. The pastor is on call at all times when needs arise. Office hours are 8:30 — noon at the church. Other times are arranged by appointment.
Kres is only one of our ministers...the rest are all those sitting in the pews, and at the piano, and at the worship leader's podium, and watching the children, etc.. Please visit this next Sunday and minister to us!